Invisalign and Oral Health: Beyond Straight Teeth
Clearwater Dentist • September 12, 2024

Do your upper and lower teeth align or meet when you close your mouth?

If not, you likely have malocclusion, more commonly known as a "bad bite." And you're not alone; according to Dental Tribune, it affects about 60% to 75% of people worldwide. The publication also noted that, due to its prevalence, 21 million people, including adults, opt for corrective orthodontics.

Invisalign is an example of an orthodontic strategy that can help correct bad bites.

So, how does Invisalign work to straighten teeth? Does it have any other benefits aside from giving you straighter teeth?

Join our team at Clearwater Dentist in Clearwater, FL, as we delve into how Invisalign works and the many perks that straighter teeth provide.

How Does Invisalign Work?

The Invisalign system is an orthodontic treatment developed by Align Technology. According to a study on Clear Aligner Therapy (CAT) published on PubMed Central, Align Technology received U.S. FDA clearance for the system. Since then, its popularity has continued to soar.

Invisalign uses clear aligners or "trays" made of medical-grade, proprietary thermoplastic polymers called "SmartTrack." The material makes the trays clear and virtually "invisible." So, other people may not even notice you're having your smile corrected and your teeth straightened out!

Here's a quick breakdown of the Invisalign treatment steps. 

In-Office Consultation

The first step is to undergo an in-office consultation. Your dentist will ask you to sit in the dental chair and conduct a thorough dental checkup. The assessment allows them to confirm your eligibility for the Invisalign system.

One of the things your dentist will look for is any condition that may interfere with or impact your treatment. An example is existing tooth decay (also called a dental cavity), which, according to the U.S. CDC, affects a quarter of U.S. adults aged 20 to 64. If you have an untreated cavity, your dentist will treat it before proceeding with the Invisalign treatment.

Now, let's say your dentist has treated your cavity, or you don't have any condition that may interfere with the treatment.

In that case, your dentist will use advanced diagnostic dental technology to scan your mouth. It's vital in customizing your treatment plan and determining its duration and progress. Your dentist will also use 3D computer modeling technology to give you a sneak peek of how your teeth, bite, and smile will look post-treatment

Moving the Teeth With the Aligners

Depending on the complexity of your case, your dentist may give you five to 30 sets of aligners. They'll also explain the clear aligners' mechanism, including how long you must wear each set before moving on to the next pair. Your dentist will also instruct you to wear the trays for most of the day (usually around 20 to 22 hours daily).

The trays gradually move your teeth to better positions as you wear the aligners and adhere to your dentist's instructions. Once you've completed the treatment, you should have straighter teeth, a better bite, and a more dazzling smile.

What Alignment Problems Can Invisalign Help With?

Invisalign can help correct and improve teeth and bite misalignment issues, including the following:

  • Crooked, twisted, or overlapping teeth
  • Overbites, which occur when the upper teeth overlap the lower teeth
  • Underbites, or when the lower teeth overlap the upper teeth
  • Crossbites, which occur when any of the upper teeth sit inside the lower teeth
  • Diastemas or gaps between teeth

If you have any of those conditions, Invisalign treatment should help. However, the extent or severity of the malocclusion can influence your treatment, including its overall length and the number of aligner pairs you must wear. 

What Are the Benefits of Invisalign?

Having straighter teeth can help boost your self-confidence and encourage you to smile more often. The more you smile, the friendlier, more attractive, and more approachable you will seem.

However, the benefits of having your teeth and bite corrected and aligned by your Invisalign dentist in Clearwater, FL, go beyond improved aesthetics. 

Makes Optimal Hygiene Easier to Achieve

Straighter teeth are easier to clean than crooked teeth. After all, crooked teeth have more exposed surfaces, creating nooks and crannies that are harder to brush and floss.

Also, unlike traditional orthodontic appliances (e.g., metal braces), Invisalign trays are removable. Other removable clear aligners are available, such as the holistic orthodontic appliance called Myobrace.

You can remove Invisalign trays whenever you eat and practice your oral hygiene habits. Removing the aligners allows you to brush your teeth and floss more thoroughly, which helps you avert plaque and tartar buildup. 

Reduced Risk of Tooth Decay and Gum Disease

Plaque and tartar buildup, often due to poor dental health and hygiene habits, are among the leading causes of tooth decay and gum disease. Like tooth decay, gum disease is prevalent; according to the NIH MedLine Plus Magazine, it affects over 40% of U.S. adults older than 30. Both oral health conditions can result in pain and tooth loss. 

Since Invisalign trays are removable, they help make it easier for you to clean your teeth and gums. The better and cleaner they are, the lower your risks of tooth decay and gum disease. 

Improved Bite Alignment 

Misaligned teeth and jaw can make biting, chewing, and speaking difficult. Such problems can also place more pressure and strain on your pearly whites and jaw. The longer these issues go on, the more at risk you are for abnormal tooth wear and facial, jaw, and mouth pain.

Aligning your teeth and bite with Invisalign can help avoid painful malocclusion complications. It can also help improve or prevent unwanted changes in your facial structure. 

Visit Clearwater Dentist for Your Invisalign Consultation

Now that you know the answer to the question, "How does Invisalign work?" and the benefits it can bring, the next step is to determine if you're a good candidate for this innovative system. 

Our dental office, Clearwater Dentist in Clearwater, FL, is happy to help! You can rely on our compassionate team members and highly experienced Invisalign dentist to provide a thorough consultation. Our dentist, Dr. Nadia Pokrovskaya, is a well-respected member of the dental field, where she has been practicing for over 27 years. 

Connect with us today to schedule your Invisalign consultation!

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