Do your gums bleed when you brush and floss? Maybe you have bad breath that refuses to go away (even after you brush your teeth). If these problems sound familiar, schedule a dental deep cleaning.
Otherwise, you could have periodontal disease, which can affect your oral and overall health. Not convinced you need an appointment? Read on to discover the benefits of deep cleanings with general dentistry in Clearwater, FL today.
Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing daily removes bacteria and lingering food particles from your mouth. When you neglect your oral hygiene, plaque can develop. This tacky, clear substance can harden into tartar and release acid.
If you neglect your oral health, your risk of tooth decay and gum disease (periodontal disease) will increase. Your gums may start receding from your gum line, leading to loose teeth.
A deep cleaning procedure (also called scaling and root planing) can clean your teeth below the gum line to remove plaque and tartar. This procedure can halt or reverse your periodontal disease and improve your gum health.
Your Clearwater dentist can schedule a scaling procedure to remove plaque and tartar from below the gum line. Planing involves removing plaque and tartar from the roots of your teeth. Both will reduce the space between your gums and teeth before your periodontal disease progresses further.
When left untreated, periodontal disease can leave your teeth vulnerable. You could notice a change in your bite, bad breath, or experience tooth loss. Here are a few ways a deep cleaning can help.
A dental deep cleaning will resolve your gum disease at the source. Already, over 47% of American adults ages 30 and up have some form of periodontal disease. Risk can increase as you age, with over 70% of adults ages 65 years and up having it.
Signs of compromised gum health include:
If these symptoms sound familiar, visit your dentist in Clearwater, FL right away. Neglecting to seek treatment could put your dental health and overall health at risk.
In fact, periodontal disease is associated with serious health conditions. Your risk of lung disease, diabetes, stroke, and heart disease could increase.
Gum disease can cause bad breath and a foul taste in your mouth. A deep cleaning can improve your oral hygiene. It will remove the bacteria causing your bad breath (which can help you from feeling self-conscious).
The bacteria in plaque and tartar can irritate your gums. Treatment can promote healing. Your gums will reattach to your tooth roots before you lose your teeth.
Don't neglect your oral health. Instead, choose general dentistry in Clearwater, FL to schedule a dental deep cleaning treatment. A deep cleaning can protect your smile, breath, and overall health.
Our team at Clearwater Dentist has years of experience providing the highest quality of dental care. We can help you maintain optimal oral health. Contact us to schedule your deep cleaning appointment.
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